Rich harvest. North Lawrence gardeners pitch in, helping selves and others. Nice video included. (LJWorld)
Land and values. Preserving prime farmland is good business, Chuck Marsh says. (LJ World.) (I wrote about this issue for Ethicurean in June.)
Amazing grain. Wheat gets its day Aug. 21 as a Modern Marvel on History Channel. (High Plains Journal)
Simply Kansas. The state Commerce Department unveils its new promotion for Kansas Products. (Kansas Dept. of Commerce)
And children, too. It’s almost enough to make you quit eating industrial beef. First the illegal immigrant labor (who knew?!) and now child labor, too. It’s enough to ruin a person’s appetite. (KC Star)
One locavore’s story. KU student does the 100-mile diet thing. (LJ World)
Joanne // Aug 17, 2008 at 8:37 am
Yup, another very good argument for locally grown, humanely raised meat…as for the Iowa plant run by Agriprocessors, it’s enough to make me want to avoid their kosher beef forever. The big argument in the Jewish community right now is how anyone could claim such food is kosher. (it might be slaughtered correctly but the conduct of the people involved who run the plant is certainly not ethical!) I am horrified that some rabbis actually could approve what was going on in that plant. Yuck. (and I’m not just talking about blood and guts here!)
Janet Majure // Aug 17, 2008 at 4:59 pm
The cynicism inherent in the whole deal is pretty damn depressing.