I’m hereby declaring spring, and not a moment too soon for my taste. How do I know it’s spring? Two ways:
The Lawrence Farmers Market opened on Saturday. Wind, rain, cold and gray skies greeted opening day the last couple of years, but not on Saturday. It was cool but brilliantly sunny, and about 30 vendors and lots of shoppers showed up to swoon over the spinach, herbs, green onions and bedding plants in evidence as well as meats and baked goods. More on the market in a moment.
- Rolling Prairie Farmers Alliance early bird delivery starts on Monday. Yea! Yea! Yea! I am SO ready for the greens to begin. I know that before summer arrives I’ll be worn out by all the spinach, lettuce, salad mix and chard that are headed my way, but right now I’m desperate for them! This cold spring has made me crave spring greens all the more. As I write this, I note that RPFA is full at its Community Mercantile and Johnson County Community College delivery points, but openings are available for the Franklin Center in Kansas City, Kan., and at Local Burger in Lawrence. Time and day information is available here.
Meanwhile, I came across the Kansas City CSA Coalition website, which lists CSA farms in the KC area (which for these purposes is very geographically large) and which ones have shares available if you’re interested.
Farmers Market
I had a chance to talk with the new Lawrence Farmers Market coordinator, and I’ll tell about that next time. My new office is great except for ongoing tech frustrations involving internet connections. These, um, challenges have interfered significantly with my writing. So, bear with me. I’m going to hope to give you an update SOON on what’s new and what isn’t at the market this year. I’ll also post photos of opening day.
Jennifer (Baklava Queen) // Apr 16, 2009 at 9:54 am