On the off chance you’ve been dying to know what I’ve been up to, besides holiday-related stuff, I think I’m ready to show you now. As I think I previously mentioned, I have been working to develop a new site from which I’m hoping to make a little money. It’s called Homecooking Revival, and I hope you’ll take a look.
As you know, I love food and enjoy cooking, but, scintillating though my writing here may be, I’m not expecting to get huge amounts of traffic, which can lead to income, which I wouldn’t mind getting. Plus, as much as I love an audience, I’m not sure how helpful Foodperson.com is, and I like being helpful.
The idea
Hence, Homecooking Revival. My hope is to develop, in time, one location where a novice home cook can go to get information on how to cook good, real food, mostly everyday food. Lord knows the Web is brimming with food sites. I figure, though, cooking newbies aren’t going to be as interested in recipe sites and I-love-to-cook sites, which seem to be the mainstay of online cooking sites.
Anyway, take a look, please, and let me know what you think about the look, the feel, the content. You can let me know by commenting on the site, commenting here or sending me a private message via the contact form on this site or on Homecooking Revival.
About Foodperson.com
I have every expectation to continue to post here. I like the personal aspect of it and being able to bring my questions and experiments to readers. Maybe I’ll post a little less often. I don’t know; we’ll see. I do have a couple of posts (with photos) in my back pocket, though, just waiting for me to get around to writing them. Stand by, and we’ll see where this new venture leads.
Meryl // Dec 29, 2008 at 9:54 pm
I think it’s incredible! I can’t believe how pretty and professional it is-I’m looking forward to reading!
Diane // Dec 30, 2008 at 6:57 pm
Wow, am I ever impressed. I will probably use the pasta site first as I love pasta dishes and always mess them up, starting with letting the pasta boil over all over the stove. I will let you know the results. Thanks for all of the information. Happy New Year! Diane
Janet Majure // Dec 31, 2008 at 12:49 pm
Thanks, you two. Fingers firmly crossed!
Congratulations. That’s a solid-looking site. There’s no reason that shouldn’t bring in the cash. We’ll keep our fingers crossed for you (not that you’ll need it) but, being selfish, we’ll also hope that you’ll find time to post here. We don’t always make comments, but we frequently peek in.
Happy new year, Janet. We wish you every tasty success.
Jennifer (Baklava Queen) // Jan 2, 2009 at 6:57 am
I like it! And it’s all by you? Amazing and wonderful! I’ll be sure to bookmark it. :-)
Janet Majure // Jan 2, 2009 at 10:03 am
Thanks for your continued reading, Steve & Seanan, with or without comment. I do believe I’ll still be posting here, so thanks!
And Jennifer, I’ve read your stuff. I can’t imagine there’s anything on the site that you don’t already know, but bookmark away!