Green eggs (no ham). An outfit in Missouri is doing large-scale production of eggs from pastured chicken, and that’s something to crow about. (KC Star) Shrinking food print. Three questions can lead to greener eating. (KC Star) Osage oranges. Kate Will celebrates her picnic spot in Osage County in the shade of hedge trees, aka [...]
Entries Tagged as 'local food'
Roundup: Green eggs, green eating
July 31st, 2008 · No Comments · Environment, Food in the news, Roundup, local food
Papalo (pipicha/pepiche?) has powerful flavor
July 25th, 2008 · 13 Comments · Food selection, local food
So I said to the guy at the CSA pickup, “Got any cilantro?” and he says, “try this, papalo, it’s sort of like cilantro.” At least I think he said papalo. I wasn’t taking notes, and I should know by now always to take notes if I want to remember anything. He might have said [...]
Free food coming my way!
July 21st, 2008 · 4 Comments · local food
I must look hungry. A week after Lynn gave me a bunch of food, my weightlifting teacher gave me a bunch of apples from his tree. “Take all you want,” he said. “We’re never going to be able to use them all.” He even grabbed a large paper grocery bag, handed it to me and [...]
Roundup: Pharma-food; local growers, local harvest
July 20th, 2008 · No Comments · Food in the news, Roundup, local food
My tax dollars at work. It didn’t get much attention in Kansas, but controversial pharma-food producer Ventria got a nice loan from me and my fellow taxpayers. Now they’re talking an over-the-counter product instead of saving third-world children. What a surprise! (The biggest report in the Wichita Eagle, mere mentions in KC Star, Lawrence J-W, [...]
Tags:genetically modified organisms·growers·local food·sweet corn
Salade nicoise makes its first appearance
July 17th, 2008 · 3 Comments · Food preparation, local food, recipes
I love Nicoise salad (or salade nicoise, as you prefer), and the fruits and vegetables to make it are rolling in. As Michele Humes noted, it’s a dish that has a melange of variations, but I pretty much quit worrying about what’s the “right” way to make it years ago. I’m just happy when I [...]
Tags:salad dressing·salads
Almost Peches cardinal are almost as good
July 11th, 2008 · 5 Comments · local food, recipes
Sometimes I think we American cooks get too caught up in what’s fashionable to prepare rather than focusing on what’s divine to eat. Consider peches cardinal. Sort of like Peach Melba without the ice cream, peches cardinal combines two divine fruits—ripe peaches and raspberries—prepared to underscore their savor and highlighted with a touch of vanilla [...]