Entries from April 2007
Love green salads. Hate fooling with lettuce prep. Here’s the easy way:
Buy lettuce or pick it from your garden.
Separate leaves and place in a salad spinner.
Wash and dry lettuce in salad spinner.
Pour off any accumulated water, put the lid back on, and stick the whole thing in your refrigerator.
Voila! Fresh, washed greens that will keep [...]
As Michael Pollan writes, the massive Farm Bill has a huge effect on what we eat, and we as eaters need to pay attention.
U.S. Earth Day (which is different from the date in the rest of the world, naturally) is this weekend, and Epicurious offers tips for being green in the kitchen.
Here are a few more that I came up with:
Have an Earth Dinner. I hadn’t heard of Earth Dinners until my sister Lori sent me the link [...]
Spring is here, and so are tender young greens. Let us forget for the moment that regional apples and peaches won’t materialize in the fall, and citrus prices will soar, and let us focus instead on what’s close at hand: beautiful, delectable greens that offer a wide range of flavors and textures. The [...]
If you think it’s hard to choose the healthiest or lowest-calorie item on a restaurant menut, you are right. The California Center for Public Health Advocacy released a poll today that found more than two-thirds of people can’t identify the healthiest options in a quiz featuring popular chain restaurants’ food. I rarely if ever eat [...]
When townspeople asked Virginia Tech students what would help them cope with the horrific aftermath of yesterday’s massacre there, students said they would like home-cooked food, according to a report I heard today on NPR.
The statement surprised me for a moment, given the current college generation’s having been raised in an era heavier on prefab [...]