Entries Tagged as 'General'
There’s no perfect way to cook, but there are ways to ruin it
The best meals are by cooks who apply their own standards, not the latest expert’s, to the best ingredients available. Such cooking also fosters pleasurable dining.
Categories: General
Get foodperson.com by email
Starting today, you can get foodperson.com not just through an RSS feed (a foreign concept to many people) but also through email. If you’d like to read the postings in your email inbox instead of online, just click on the link at right (or click here to subscribe) and complete the form. Your email will […]
Categories: General
News at the Lawrence Farmers Market
The Downtown Lawrence (KS) Farmers Market announces a new website by Sprout Design and a new recipe contributor-me, Janet Majure
Categories: Local food · General
Site has answers to food behavior
The Exploratorium.org website’s Accidental Scientist: The Science of Food provides fascinating information, recipes and activities involving food science.
Categories: General