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Entries Tagged as 'recipes'

Change a recipe? You bet! Here’s an example

August 11th, 2008 · 4 Comments · Cooking tips, Food preparation, recipes

I remember reading an interview with Ruth Reichl in which she expressed shock that people changed recipes that they got from Gourmet magazine, seeing as Gourmet personnel had tested and revised their recipes until they were the best they could be. I was shocked that she was shocked. (And Ruth, if it wasn’t you, I […]



Top-popping pickling process gives right signal

August 1st, 2008 · 6 Comments · Food preparation, recipes, Tools

This post is for the edification of wannabe canners and for the amusement of those of you who have been pickling, canning and generally “putting up” for years. No, I am not a canner. I am, however, foolish. Despite my awareness of the endless rules that accompany canning, I nevertheless subconsciously bought into the many […]



Almost Peches cardinal are almost as good

July 11th, 2008 · 5 Comments · local food, recipes

Sometimes I think we American cooks get too caught up in what’s fashionable to prepare rather than focusing on what’s divine to eat. Consider peches cardinal. Sort of like Peach Melba without the ice cream, peches cardinal combines two divine fruits—ripe peaches and raspberries—prepared to underscore their savor and highlighted with a touch of vanilla […]

