Good evening, and welcome to Fun with Leftovers.
Tonight we’ve taken a selection of leftovers, combined them and created, yes, more leftovers. It’s kind of like the so-called Amish Friendship Muffins. You know what I’m talking about: Somebody gives you a cup of batter and instructions, and the cup of batter turns into the muffin-batter equivalent of the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s water bucket.
Well, the same thing is happening with my leftovers. We won’t say how long any of these have been in the refrigerator. Let’s just say the home economists and my little sister would not approve.
After stringing along my meatloaf, my lentil soup and some commercial tomato soup for, ahem, a while, I decided I needed to bring an end to this nonsense. So tonight, I broke and chopped up the remaining meatloaf into a pan, added a can of kidney beans, most of the leftover tomato soup, a significant dose of chili powder and two shakes of cayenne. I let it simmer for 45 minutes or so.
Voila! Chili. It was actually pretty good. Unfortunately, it was also more than I could eat. Voila! More leftovers.
The chili is in the refrigerator now, as is the last dab of the lentil soup, which I thought I could finish for lunch today but could not. So this is it: Tomorrow, the lentil soup goes in with the chili and gets simmered a while along with the rest of the tomato soup. I’m hoping added simmering kills whatever microbes may be breeding.
I’ll eat it for lunch, and if there is any left over, I’m bringing it to your house to start a new tradition, Kansas Friendship Soup. What you do with it is your problem.
I am SO glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read this, else my screen would be a mess right now. Kansas Friendship Soup! Gee, think I could relabel the rest of my couscous tagine as Ohio Friendship Stew and ship some to you?
Janet Majure // Feb 21, 2008 at 12:27 pm
Go for it. Given this rotten weather, it would probably stay frozen in transit! Meanwhile, I’m glad you weren’t drinking, either. Way too early in the morning for that!
You know what I mean… but it’s true that my job drives me to drink! (Lots and lots of water…..)
Katie // Mar 5, 2008 at 10:58 am
Yes, but please do also keep in mind that inmates have no guardians but the state, whereas kids get at least some meals served by other adult decisionmakers.
So I can see making sure that people who are completely at the mercy of the state get some somewhat improved treatment before moving on to doing the same for people who are only partly at the mercy of the state.
Katie // Mar 5, 2008 at 10:58 am
Whoops! Wrong post!
Anyway, well, on this post-I’ve been doing the same thing!